Node.js in Cloud Hosting
As Node.js is present on our advanced cloud web hosting platform, you’ll be able to add it to your shared web hosting account and to utilize it for any web application that you’ve got, regardless of which cloud hosting plan you have chosen during the subscription process. The Upgrades menu in the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes bundled with all web hosting accounts, will allow you to pick the number of instances that you’d like to add – this is the number of the web applications that will use Node.js. A few minutes after that, you can include the path to the app, i.e. the location of the .js file in your account, as well as to choose the IP address to access that file – a dedicated IP address or the server’s shared one. In the new Node.js section that will appear in the Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to restart an instance or to discontinue it if you do not need it anymore. You will also gain access to the output code with only one mouse click.
Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers
With a semi-dedicated server from us, you can make use of all the benefits that the Node.js platform is offering, due to the fact that it’s is included with all our semi-dedicated packages and you are able to add it to your semi-dedicated account with several clicks from the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel – the semi-dedicated account administration tool that’s included with each and every semi-dedicated server. If you’d like to employ Node.js for multiple Internet apps, you can choose the number of instances which the platform will use when you’re adding this feature to your plan. Then, you will have to insert the path to the .js file in your semi-dedicated account for each instance. This can be done in the new section that will show up in the Hepsia Control Panel after you add the upgrade and in the meantime, you can also choose whether the access path to the given application will go through a dedicated IP address – if you’ve got one, or through the physical server’s shared IP address. Each instance that you activate can be restarted or cancelled separately and you can see the output of your applications with just several mouse clicks.
Node.js in VPS Servers
Node.js is available as standard with each and every VPS server that is ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and imposes no constraints with regard to the number of Internet sites that can use it at any given moment. This makes our VPS packages an optimal solution for hosting numerous real-time script-driven apps and for getting the most out of each of them. The Hepsia Control Panel is intuitive enough even for users without any previous experience, so if you would like to set up Node.js for any application, it won’t take more than several clicks to make this. You’ll just have to enter the folder path to the given .js file and to choose whether Node.js will use the server’s shared IP or a dedicated one. Our platform will also designate a specific port number that will be used to access the .js file. Right after that, you will be all set and will be able to use the full potential of your real-time applications. The Hepsia Control Panel will enable you to check the apps’ output and to reboot or to discontinue any of your instances using quick-access controls.
Node.js in Dedicated Servers
Node.js is available with all Linux dedicated service on which our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel is installed. The latter offers a rather intuitive and user-friendly GUI, so even if you haven’t used Node.js before, you’ll be able to unveil its full potential in only a couple of easy steps. As soon as you have uploaded the application’s content, you’ll need to indicate the folder path to the particular .js files that will use the Node.js platform and to choose the IP address that they’ll use (shared or dedicated), while our system will assign a random port that will be used to access the files in question. There isn’t any constraint on the total number of Node.js instances that you can create and use at the same time and you will have full command over them from the Hepsia Control Panel – you’ll be able to order new ones or to deactivate/restart existing ones, to check the output log for each application, and so on.