When you buy a brand new web hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is made and as automatic as the entire process may be, there're always little things that are done manually. For a virtual or a dedicated server there are even more tasks to be done considering that these forms of web hosting often need a manual setup, software installation and configuration, checking the server platform to guarantee that everything's working the way it should, etcetera. To pay for the expenses for the time and efforts all these duties take, many companies call for a one-time installation fee to be paid by their clients on top of the price for the cloud hosting. The fee typically applies to any new web hosting account being bought and it's hardly ever mentioned on the company’s site, however it would appear on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

Our cloud hosting plans don't have any sort of installation charges or any other hidden charges on the whole. If you order your account, we will process your fee right away so the account will be generated and activated by our system instantly. The total cost that you will be required to pay for your website hosting plan is identical all around - on your home, order & payment pages, and you will not notice or have to pay anything on top of that cost any time. This is valid irrespective of whether you get multiple accounts since it is our principle that creating trust is more important than receiving several more dollars. The account activation will be real-time, which means that you'll be able to go ahead and start setting up your websites straight away.

Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers

When you get a semi-dedicated server plan through us, you will pay just the monthly charge that is already displayed on the site. The account will be generated on our servers and we'll activate it within a few minutes at no additional cost. This is valid for each monthly charge and regardless of the total number of accounts that you obtain. It's our principle that it's not reasonable to charge you extra money for something that we've virtually fully automated, so you'll never see any sort of installation costs or another obscured costs. Due to this fact, the rates that are displayed on our front page, on your payment page and on your bank statement will always be exactly the same.

Setup Fee in VPS Servers

Even though installing a VPS server takes some time and efforts, we will never ask you for any kind of installation rates regardless if you order several servers at one time. At the time you register, you'll have to pay just the regular monthly price for the selected package and we will create your VPS, set up its OS, web hosting Control Panel and software bundle (web server, MySQL, FTP) without additional cost. The renewal charges for the subsequent months will be exactly the same as the original registration cost. We think that having a new client that puts his / her trust in us is far more important than receiving a modest one-time fee, therefore if you acquire a virtual server through our company, you may never find any concealed fees.

Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers

If you order a dedicated server through our company, we'll set up the machine completely free of charge. The price that you can see and pay will be exactly the same on our web site, on your payment page and on your bank statement, also the total amount you will pay throughout the registration will be the same as the one you will pay to renew your plan later on. We'll offer you a ready-to-use server, which is built and tested, and which includes all of the necessary software pre-installed - Operating System, web server, MySQL, FTP, and web hosting Control Panel when you have picked one through the registration, yet all the aforementioned tasks are performed absolutely free. We can even relocate all of your data at no additional cost if you acquire your dedicated server with our Hepsia Control Panel and you have a regular shared hosting plan through our company.