We furnish you with a simple to operate Databases Manager, bundled inside our Website Control Panel, from where you could make brand–new MySQL and PgSQL databases immediately. What’s more, you are able to administer all their configuration settings via the convenient access provided to the phpMyAdmin and phpPgAdmin software instruments.

Tidy and User–friendly Interface

Handle all your databases from one location

The Databases Manager in the Website Control Panel contains a refined yet user–friendly user interface. You’ll be able to set up a brand new MySQL or PostgreSQL database simply by specifying a user name and password. Also, you may create a backup file or change the password of an database with only a click of the mouse.

From the Databases Manager you’ll get direct access to the admin area for each of your databases, which enables you to make easy adjustments in case you have to.

Hepsia File Manager

Instant Database Data backup

Back up your databases in a minute

We’ve made the manual database back–up generation into a very simple job. To do so: inside of the Databases Manager, click the ’clock’ icon beside the database that you plan to back up and then wait for a few seconds for the backup process to take place. With respect to the size of your database, the generation of the back–up file will need somewhere between a few seconds and a minute.

You can create as many copies of a database as you want. We haven’t specified any boundaries for the number of databases that you could back up as well.

Hepsia File Manager

PgSQL Databases Support

By far the most risk–free open source databases

You’ll find PgSQL support in each of our cloud service bundles. PgSQL databases aren’t as famous and frequently used as MySQL, but they deliver the greatest level of stability for your site content. Because of this, a lot of popular companies like Skype and Yahoo work with PgSQL databases. Controlling PgSQL databases is as easy and simple as MySQL, thanks to the incredibly user–friendly interface of the Databases Manager.

PgSQL databases are provided by default within the most innovative web hosting packages. For the basic packages, they are suggested as upgrades.

Hepsia File Manager

InnoDB Databases

The new face of MySQL

With Web Hosting Cart, you’ll inevitably find the newest variant of MySQL and the default MySQL storage engine – InnoDB, installed.

InnoDB is much more stable compared to the old storage engine’s version – MyISAM. It’s ACID–compliant and, above all – it grants 100% transaction support. You’ll find, it utilizes row–level locking, in contrast to MyISAM’s table–level locking, that seemed to cause performance issues at peak usage times.

Hepsia File Manager

Detailed Database Stats

Thorough stats for all your databases

From the all–encompassing database stats tool incorporated into the Website Control Panel, it will be possible to keep track of the load accumulated through your busy websites round the clock. Every overload issue with your websites could lower the loading speeds and have a bad effect on the online experience of your respective website visitors. Hence, by having info about the database load live, it is possible to mend overload troubles as fast as possible.

The database data interface shows info of the volume of daily, hourly and monthly queries, allowing you to analyze just how the load is distributed over several time periods.

Hepsia File Manager